Surprisingly, statistics show that at least half of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. No matter whether the symptoms are caused by age-related deterioration of the body or other circumstances, the fact remains that the problem must be solved and solved quickly. Most likely, the causes lie in such subtleties as:
- Improper blood composition. Excess cholesterol makes the blood thicker, useful bodies are slower to be absorbed, and blood circulation is worse. Thus, blood flow to the penis is impaired, hence potency problems;
- Problems with heart rhythm. It is possible that the root of all evils lies in the disturbed vascular tissue, which is slower to contract, not working properly with the blood flow;
- Impaired blood flow in the brain. Responses to stimuli, including arousal, become much worse;
- Problems with muscle elasticity and tendon endurance. An untrained body with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle loses its own sexual potential over time;
- Barriers of a psychological nature.
All of the above is most often caused by a high level of stress, problems at work or a banal lack of attraction to a partner. Perhaps the problems come from an improper diet. In any case, products from will beat the symptoms. Use Cialis, which quickly reaches the recipient and just as quickly begins to have a real effect on the body and reproductive system. However, there are rare situations when problems with potency are caused by serious psychological disorders, which should be corrected already together with specialists.
Is sex bad for your health?

This strange question, however, is asked by millions of people every day. So it is time once and for all to sort out whether sex is bad or not. The reason for doubting the benefits of regular intercourse has its roots in cases where men have faced a heart attack right during the pleasure of love. But we hasten to reassure all young people – this risk exists only in the older representatives of the stronger sex. However, to be sure to protect yourself, refuse alcohol, which will create an additional load on the blood vessels during intercourse. Observing this elementary rule, you will be able to reveal all the benefits of regular sex, which strengthens the heart and prevents stroke in men. Numerous studies from Queens University in Belfast attest to this. Girls also benefit from frequent lovemaking, for the same reasons.
Why a man falls asleep immediately after intercourse?
There is nothing wrong with it, it is not a demonstration of disregard for the partner. This is just the way the male body is built, which, immediately after orgasm, suppresses libido, by producing serotin and opiates. Recall that these hormones act as sleeping pills and really make you fall asleep almost immediately after intercourse. With girls it is completely different, after sex the body and brain are ready to have long conversations and only then begin to go to sleep. So don’t start unnecessary conflicts, just put up with natural mechanisms.
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