Many people don’t understand the true purpose of dating sites. They are needed in order to bring together people suitable for each other. Here you can easily organize mature dating or other issues. But instead, they turn into a huge platform for communication, not just a simple exchange of views, but personal communication between two persons of the opposite sex.
Dating sites, like any other virtual space, give us the opportunity to “adjust” ourselves in such a way that the interlocutor has a better impression of us. Such tactics has positive aspects in the beginning of new relations, however, having felt interest to each other, it is not necessary to delay the virtual period of communication at the stage of correspondence. Written communication deprives a person of the whole spectrum of perception: most of the information about our personality people can learn from non-verbal communication: mimics, gestures, manners to speak, put words in sentences, dress and present themselves. That’s why the transition from messaging and photo sharing to more lively communication – phone, Skype – is also a very important stage in the development of communication.

After all, the most important thing is the rule of all serious online dating, its “golden formula” – online dating should lead to dating in the real world. Virtual love is good when it is not delayed in the platonic stage, and quickly passes into direct communication. The Internet is just a way to find singles, and what to do next, you decide yourself.
Going to the dating site, a person can choose from hundreds of questionnaires, and that it was you, try to appear before him in his brightest form. On the site you can add a few photos to the questionnaire. It is desirable that the first photo was clearly visible face. The rest of the photos can demonstrate the versatility of your personality – how you spend time, what you are fond of, where you are. When men search from their accounts, they see as a result of girls and women who are currently on the site and watch exactly these questionnaires, because many of them want to communicate immediately.

If you don’t want to stay unnoticed, visit the dating site more often! You have already looked through a lot of profiles and found a man who fits all the parameters, but he does not write? Don’t wait! Show a sign of sympathy! This does not oblige you to do anything, and he will immediately pay attention to you and, most likely, you will begin correspondence. Many men are embarrassed to be the first to start dating and will be very happy to get your attention mark. Don’t miss your chance!
When the correspondence has already started, try to be attentive to the chosen one, his questions and ask more of your own: men like to talk about themselves. And lastly, strange as it may seem, men like compliments as much as women. If you want to say something nice to him, you don’t have to hold back.

Most women “lack of privacy” are very painful. The feverish search for a man begins. All communication with friends is reduced to one topic – about their hard and unfortunate female destiny and pathological bad luck in personal life. Do not live only the thought of searching for “your soul mate”. Remember, you are an integral part of yourself, you are a person, not someone’s “soulmate”. Does the absence of a couple makes you inferior or in some way flawed? The main mistakes in finding a partner. Women who are focused on finding a partner, doom themselves to eternal search, and if they do, it is the exact opposite of what they were looking for. When we cling to our desire with a dead grip, it slips away from us like a butterfly. But as soon as we forget about it and continue to live our lives, our desires begin to come true. It is much easier to go to a dating site and find your other half there.