Dianabol is also known as methandrostenolone or Dbol. It is the best anabolic steroid, which was first introduced in the 1950s in the United States as an alternative to steroids based on needles and syringes, which were used by Russian athletes to enhance their performance at the Olympics. Dianabol, like most anabolic steroids, is a panacea for athletes and bodybuilders. Its use gives a quick set of muscle mass along with an increase in strength. In addition, Dianabol has the strongest androgenic effect. Dianabol helps to reliably and quickly gain from one to three kilograms every week for the first 6 weeks. The gained mass, part of which arises due to the strong retention of fluid in the cells of the body, is a consequence of a noticeable increase in muscle tissue. Otherwise, Dianabol causes muscle fibre hypertrophy.
Bodybuilding and steroid use always go hand in hand. This is because bodybuilders have been using steroids since the beginning of their development. They used these anabolic steroids not only to improve their physical performance but also to achieve the physique of their dreams. From the beginning, there were many steroids that were quite popular among bodybuilders. But none of them could even come close to Dianabol when it came to the number of people using it and its popularity. Steroids had to be injected with a syringe or needle before administration. On the other hand, Dianabol revolutionized the steroid industry because it was the first steroid that could be taken orally in pill form, and it also made Dianabol one of the most commonly used steroids.
In particular, men have always resorted to steroids to increase their physical strength and performance, and Dianabol was one of the ideal steroids for this purpose in the early days. It helped increase your body muscle mass, helped you lose fat and ultimately helped you lose weight without losing muscle, helped with your body’s activity and increased overall performance. As a result, Dianabol has become a very common product among bodybuilders, both amateurs and experienced. It was so popular that even athletes started using Dianabol to improve their athletic performance. Another reason why this drug became such a hit was its ability to show instant results.More information on the link: https://anabolicmenu.ws/global-anabolic-dbol-5mg-1000-pills/
Dianabol benefits
As mentioned above, Dianabol helps to gain muscle mass in a short time. In addition, this drug:
- Increases indicators of strength and endurance
- Increases hunger and stimulates appetite
- By increasing the level of the hormone erythropoietin, an increase in the volume of circulating blood and the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body in haemoglobin are stimulated
- Increases venous development in all areas of the body

In addition to this, due to its effect on the overall metabolism of the body, Dianabol stimulates an increase in the burning of subcutaneous fat, which has a positive effect on the athlete’s appearance.
How to use Dianabol?
The dosage range of this drug is very wide. It all depends on the initial state of the athlete and the expected results from the use of this drug. The dosage of the drug should be strictly individualized and prescribed after consultation with a sports medicine doctor. It is believed that a daily dose of 15-50 g of Dianabol is sufficient to obtain a good effect without harm to health. Those who use this drug for the first time are advised not to exceed the dose of 15-25 g per day. With this dose, they will be able to achieve significant results in 6-8 weeks from the beginning of the course.More details on the website: https://anabolicmenu.ws/
It is also allowed to use Dianabol in combination with other drugs. It gives an even more significant effect and helps to achieve the desired mass for, especially impatient athletes.