In this article, we will share some basic tips that will help you learn how to properly shoot with the AK-47. If you want to make your AK-47 unique, you can take a closer look at all csgo cases.
Shooting pattern
Every gun has a specific firing pattern – a certain pattern that determines how bullets fly during clips. Simply put, every weapon has a different recoil, so you need to pay attention to this and adjust to the shooting. Single headshots used to be of great importance in CS:GO, but Valve has gradually corrected such shooting, so proper clamping is now extremely important. Of course, everything comes with experience. Clamping from the AK-47, you need to pull the mouse down and then slightly to the left. Practice this aspect.
Sight placement
Perhaps the most important rule for those players who dream of learning how to place headshots. It seems like a simple truth, but watch many beginners from the sidelines and this myth dissipates. In fact, even many players with average ranks in CS:GO make a very big mistake – they forget to keep the aim at head level.

Many factors can play here: lack of concentration, lack of experience, and, in fact, the inability to hold the sight. I advise all beginners to always keep in mind that your main objective is to put a headshot. Also, remember that your aim shouldn’t always be in one place. For example, if your opponent is hiding on a crate, try to anticipate where his head is.
Different Shooting Styles
If you’ve ever watched professional team matches, you may have noticed that many players shoot differently depending on the situation. This is really true. There are many ways to shoot in CS:GO: single shots, two or three shots, short clips, or long clips. The AK-47 is one of the strongest weapons in CS:GO, so it can be used in different ways and at different distances.
For example, if you’re shooting from afar, it’s best to try one or two shots. If you’re shooting from close range, you should think about clamping. If you have learned the shooting pattern well, you can easily pick up 2-3 enemies from close range. You should always understand that when shooting with AK-47s, there will not be one answer to everything, and you need to adjust to the game of your teammates and opponents.
The game from buy
CS:GO is not just about skill and team tactics. An important aspect of the shooter from Valve has always been and will always be informed about the enemy team. Being able to calculate your opponent’s economy and anticipate his plans is an essential skill for any player. AK-47 is a very powerful weapon that you don’t want to give to your opponent, so constant rush will never be a good tactic. You always need to understand that your weapon is awesome at close range as well as long range.

So if you have information that your enemies have pistols – try to go farther away to kill them easily or at least not to give them AK-47. The opposite situation if your opponent has an AWP. Get as close as possible and only then go out. In general, you should always play on the opponent’s weapons and other information about the opponent that you possess.
Practice and practice again
Practicing your skill and shooting is good, but practice is more important in CS:GO. If you trivialize the map or don’t know how to do the spread, individual skill isn’t of paramount importance. In order to do as much damage as possible with an AK-47, you need to become a team player. You can find the best skins for your weapon at this site This will help you make the gameplay more appealing and enjoy it every time you spend time in the game.